Mr Burt
Pt England School
New Zealand
Pt England School
New Zealand
Friday 17 March 2017
Dear Mr Burt,
In Point England School area team 4 would like to grow some harakeke plants in an area in our school. I would like it to look beautiful for our school. I have an idea of putting it near the basketball courts near the two big trees and a small one are, I think it should be there because near those trees it looks so plain and when you look at it, it looks like people have been standing on it because people think it’s okay to but it’s not. So that is why I think it should be grown near those trees.
In saying of the Harakeke we can also learn how to cut some of and learn how to weave cause we can make some stuff out the harakeke. Also we can something for someone or someone special to you, your friends or someone who has passed away already. What I have been learning about is that if the harakeke is sick then we can grow some around it and properly a few weeks later then the harakeke will be well for our school community. What I like about the harakeke is that it has nice green long leaves and is very nice.
Also in Point England Area I can see that birds can use the harakeke to make a new style of making a nest, because it is very soft for the baby birds and is properly good for the shape of it. It might be hard but it is stall very good for our creatures in NZ. It is only that I don’t like that some insects might come and eat the plants that we grow but we can also put some egg shells and bottle containers around them so that they don’t come and eat it. We can also treat it so good like watering it every day and giving it sun every day morning and after school.
The plants can also make more and more oxygen for us to breath and have an environment that is beautiful and I think that point england school can take care of the native bushes. Our environment in point england area has to grow a native bush in our area because some of this area is beautiful and some is not so that’s why we should have a beautiful school.
The oxygen of these plants could also give our school the beautiful smell of the plants that team 4 plant and grow with sunlight and water. We also should grow plants in our area is because the quality of our pt england community shows that if we grow more we have the greatest comments of how we respect our whole community, we can also have great comments from the visitors we have that visit our classes and see how we work.
Kind regards,